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Our entire process is thought, created and made collectively!

We see each stage and each person involved as a fundamental part of this cycle.

Our production is made by small productive groups located on the outskirts of São Paulo city, formed by women in vulnerable situations. Remuneration is made fairly, giving the correct value for each hour of work and aiming at the well-being of these women... and that's the minimum!

All the groups are part of the Ecotece network, an Institute that for 11 years has been promoting changes in the logic of production and consumption of fashion to make it more ethical, clean, cultural and inclusive.

Together with Ecotece, we follow the day to day and personal development of all the women involved in our productions, with the aim of understanding each one's needs and creating a relationship of proximity and respect.

Meet who makes it happen!

These are some of the people who are by our side making everything come out of paper!

On the label of your Coletivo DES clothing you will find the name of the person who sewed it and below you can learn a little about their history!


Marilene (Sol Nascente Group):

Marilene learned to sew at age 12 with her mother in Piauí, at that time she was already making clothes for her friends and earning her own money! At the age of 17, she went to São Paulo and started to work at the same company as her sister (Edna).

The years passed, and when her second pregnancy came, she decided to work from home. She took a course and set up his own studio. Today she works with Sol Nascente Group making clothes for several brands and also sewing made-to-measure party dresses.

Cida (Sol Nascente Group):

Cida went to São Paulo from Paraná when she was 13 years old.

She went to see a sewing shop with her aunt, who was a seamstress, and ended up working there for almost 14 years! After the birth of her second child, she had to leave work and stay home taking care of the kids. In order not to stop working, she decided to sew on her own.

Today she works from home with the Sol Nascente Group, making clothes for several brands!


Edna (Sol Nascente Group):

Born in Piauí, she learned how to sew with her mother as a child, making clothes for her dolls.

She married early, at the age of 17, had two daughters and later separated from her husband.

At the age of 25, she came alone to São Paulo where she worked as a seamstress in some companies. After a while, she started working at home sewing clothes on her own and decided to open a little shop to sell her products. To help compose her income, she joined the Sol Nascente Group, where she sews pieces for several brands.

Maria (Sol Nascente Group):

Maria came from the North of Brazil and as soon as she arrived in São Paulo, she went to work in a beachwear brand. She learned to sew there but always had more affinity with a specific machine, the overlock. Over time, she is learning to handle other machines and is developing more every day.

Today she works from home to be able to take care of her grandchildren and helps with the productions of Sol Nascente Group.


Lucimara (Hasya Group):

From generation to generation, this is the sewing in Mara's life.

She learned to sew from her mother when she was very young and is proud to say that she taught her three daughters everything.

Mara started working at home to be able to take better care of her children, set up her studio, which was formalized in 2009 and now has plans to double its size!

With the help of their daughter Mayane, they produce not only clothes but also beautiful accessories using fabrics and leftovers from automotive production!

Mayane (Hasya Group):

Mayane is Mara's daughter and learned everything she knows about sewing from her mother.

She studied nursing and worked a little in the area, but even so, she always found time to help her mother. As the years passed, the family's gift spoke louder and so he began working with his mother full-time.


Edilma (Retece Group):

11 years ago, Edilma's routine was to take care of the house while her husband and son went to work. Not satisfied and with a beginning of depression, she enrolled in a sewing course that her niece recommended. She took the course and was chosen among 36 women to join the team of seamstresses at Retece, where she works to this day.

They were not easy years, their workspace was always very disputed and they had to persist to stay there. Today, Edilma says that they are in a quiet phase and that they use Retece's studio not only as a place of work but also as a venue for various community events.

Marlene (Retece Group):

Marlene has been at Retece for 10 years, before that she worked taking care of the house.

She joined the group already knowing how to sew, learned from her sister and a friend from church.

Today she does a little bit of everything, has a lot of practice in all types of sewing and helps her partners not give up on learning!


Silvania (Retece Group):

Silvania, like Edilma, was selected in the first class of the cutting and sewing course and since then has been improving her knowledge. As she says "every day I learn a little bit".

Before that, she worked as an embroiderer and now she counts on the help of her partners to evolve more and more in sewing.

Lena (Retece Group):

Lena has always liked to sew since she was a little girl.

She graduated in Fashion and has always worked in the area. Lena had a brand of custom bags and also gave craft and customization workshops. That's when she met the Retece's coordinator and was invited to be part of the team. It's been 4 years and since then Lena takes care of the modeling and cutting of clothes, in addition to handling all types of sewing machines.


Inês (Retros Vest Group):

Inês is from Ceará, and moved to São Paulo in 1991.

She has always been a seamstress and worked for the same brand for 10 years, where she learned a lot! In 2015, she heard about a city hall project to train and employ women as seamstresses and became very interested!

The group was set up, but went through several difficulties over the years. Today, Restros Vest is a formalized company, formed by incredible women, with a great and equipped workspace!

Tânia (Retros Vest Group):

Tânia is from Bahia, but has lived in São Paulo for many years.

She worked for a long time in sewing factories until she became unemployed. That's when the city hall called inviting her to participate in sewing courses and to receive assistance. The years passed, the group was formed and Tânia is still there, learning and helping her colleagues to develop.


Givanil (Retros Vest Group):

Gil is from Alagoas. Before starting to sew, she worked taking care of the house and children. When she found out about the project, she decided to participate and worked hard to learn the new job. She says that it takes almost 2 hours to get to work every day and that she often thought about giving up. With a lot of persistence and with the help of her group friends, Gil has been improving every day and today she is proud of where she has come! Her statement was very moving and she was grateful for the opportunity to get to know us and exchange experiences with us =)

Joseny (Retros Vest Group):

Joseny was also born in Bahia and went to São Paulo to work. Like the others, she got to know

the city hall course and jumped right in! The difference is that her passion is not so much sewing, but creation! She is graduating in Fashion Design at a University in São Paulo and says that during the pandemic it was difficult to follow online classes, but she doesn't give up!

Joseny loves to draw, and is following her dream! Soon there's a new stylist out there! 


Rejane (Retros Vest Group):

Rejane was born in Pernambuco but has lived in São Paulo for 32 years.

As soon as she moved, she went to work in a garment factory, and then worked in other segments as well. In 2015, she became unemployed, that's when she found out, through a friend, about the city hall project. That's when Rejane met the group she works with to this day!

Gildete (Retros Vest Group):

Gildete was also born in Bahia. She went to São Paulo and worked in the same place for 14 years, but then the company closed. Her dream has always been to learn to sew, so when she heard about the city hall project, she didn't think twice! Today she says she learns a little more every day and she won't stop there!


Geny (Mulheres de Vila Nova União Group):

Geny told us that her mother was a seamstress and that's how she learned how to sew.

As a teenager, she already helped her mother with the orders, sewed clothes for her dolls, and repaired the clothes that she received as gifts. After getting married she spent some time working on other things, but then her vocation spoke louder and she started sewing bags at home, together with her husband. That was 20 years ago and since that she never stopped!

As she says "sewing is something precious to me"

Catiane (Mulheres de Vila Nova União Group):

Catiane also learned to sew from her mother, who was a seamstress, just like her grandmother. After getting married, Catiane went through a period of depression, and used the sewing as an occupational therapy, which helped her a lot to get through this moment. She has been sewing professionally for 15 years, but says she doesn't see it as a profession but a passion.

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Maria Aparecida (Mulheres de Vila Nova União Group):

Maria is always looking to learn something new. She says that we will never know everything, but the important thing is to try. Maria is the example herself: when she learned how to sew, she used only a simpler sewing machine. After some time she had already advanced to the industrial machine, and loved the new experience! Maria takes great care and attention in every work she does, which makes each product impeccable and super special!

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